We’re Almost There: HELP US GO SOLAR!

Library Patrons, 


Our libraries were fortunate enough to receive a construction grant of $62,697 before New York State virtually shut down because of Covid-19. This construction grant is contingent on us contributing 25% of the cost of the project. Our project consists of an $83,596 Solar Electric Panel Installation, High-Efficiency AC/Heat Pump System, and Signage for our Stockton site. We are expected to contribute $20,899 of which we have currently secured roughly $9,240. In order to receive the grant money and bring this project to fruition, we need to raise another $11,659. We humbly ask you to help us meet this challenge! Our grant will bring renewable energy to our community and help our libraries to stay open and make a difference now and for future generations.

You can donate by mailing in a check or cash to either of our libraries (address to both locations are at the bottom of the website) or donate online by clicking the DONATE button also at the bottom of our website or you can donate and follow the project at our GoFundMe Page: 


Please help us secure a future of green energy for our libraries and community by donating today!

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