Teens (13+) & Adults (18+)
Monday, July 6th – Monday, August 31st
Teens (age 13 and up) and Adults (age 18 and up) are invited to record their summer reading by completing at least one (300 words or more) book reviews.
All patrons who complete the required book reviews will be entered in a random drawing for a grand prize at the end of the program.
Please see the participation/registration details below.
Participation & Registration Details:
Ages 0-12: Open to all children of the community. Parents/Caregivers can register their child(ren) at any time during the program dates.
Children can track their reading and complete missions on our ReadSquared website. Children will unlock fun online games and badges. Prize drawings will be held each month (June, July & August). Children that have completed the required tasks for that month will be eligible.
Register your child(ren) at http://stocktonlibrariesny12.readsquared.com/
Teens & Adults: Open to all community teens & adults (ages 13 and up). Patrons can register at any time during the program dates.
Patrons can log their reading and complete book reviews on our ReadSquared website. Prize drawing will be held at the end of the program. Patrons that have completed the required one (300 words) book reviews will be eligible.
Register at http://stocktonlibrariesny12.readsquared.com/
Please note that our Library System is NOT using the READSquared App.
Craft Supplies for Programs: Supply kits for crafts and activities will be available for pick up as needed or as supplies last, please contact the library by email: director@stocktonlibraries.org with name & number of kits needed.
Questions: Please contact Summer Reading Coordinator Hannah Abram at director@stocktonlibraries.org