On September 30th and October 27th Mary E. Seymour Memorial Free Library and Cassadaga Branch Library hosted Community Conversations in the back meeting room of Cassadaga Branch Library. This meeting was made possible by the Libraries Transforming Community Grant that was awarded to the libraries.
The focus of this conversation was how the libraries could continue to be a better resource for patrons (especially the elderly) to stay connected with the community through outreach and technology. There were 8 in attendance at the first meeting and 4 in attendance at the second.
Excellent ideas and discussions were made at both meetings on ways the libraries could expand their technological resources for the community. Ideas such as monthly or weekly computer classes. These classes would include a wide range of topics such as smart phone use, how to use social media, how to online shop, how to take online classes, how to use video conferencing platforms. Other ideas included library funded patron zoom membership, having up to date computers and printers in the library through grants and fundraising, library funded online course through great online programs such as The Great Courses for students of all ages to have access to a wide range of subjects as they navigate through school, college or their career.
Both conversations led to wonderful ideas that we hope will lead to solutions that will connect our community with the world and each other, as is the goal of every public library.
We hope to continue the conversation by always listening to the needs of our patrons and keep finding ways to assist our community!